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Maca is a root vegetable indigenous to the Ande mountains in Peru and the Natives are said to consume 20 grams of dried Maca everyday for its abundant benefits.

Maca is a very nutritionally dense plant and extremely important to overall health in a region where little else grows.

Archaeological data suggests that the agricultural growth of Maca began roughly 2000 years ago in Central Peru.

It is thought that the Natives began using Maca themselves after witnessing the energetic effect it had on grazing livestock.

Incan warriors, in Peru, are said to have consumed Maca before entering battle.

In the late 1990’s maca powder achieved global attention from health practitioners and health conscious individuals. It is now known as an important adaptogenic hormone balancer. Adaptogenic meaning that it helps your body cope with stress and anxiety while increasing its capability and tolerance.

Lastly, it is also known to balance your hormones, which if imbalanced, can negatively influence your emotional and mood-based states.

Personally, I use it alongside my smoothie daily, it helps provide a certain psychological and physical resilience. It is available in pill form and powdered form, the taste in it’s powdered form is bearable however it is a bit strong.

Beneficial qualities:

  • Increases energy
  • Increases endurance and athletic performance
  • Reduces chronic fatigue
  • Improves libido and sexual function
  • Reduces anxiety, stress, and depression
  • Enhances memory, learning, and mental focus
  • Helps strengthen teeth, hair growth, and blood circulation
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