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Butterbur (Petasites) begins with a misty gray stem growing 3 feet tall and producing leaves shaped like a heart at the end. The word is derived from the Greek, “petasos” referring to a wide-brimmed hat that protects you from the sun. When grown in ideal conditions, its leaves can be used as an umbrella or for shade.

First known to be used by the ancient Greeks, its medicinal qualities were known to treat asthma 2,000 years ago. In medieval times, butterbur leaves were a cure for bronchial infections, urinary tract problems, and to treat coughs.

Today, butterbur is gaining attention for its anti-inflammatory properties and it’s treatment of migraines which affects roughly 29 million Americans.

Beneficial qualities:

  • Relief of migraine headaches
  • Relief of seasonal allergies
  • Immediate anti-inflammatory effects
  • Helps with common cold symptoms
  • Reduces fevers
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